A. Fill in the blanks.
1. Flat-file
2. Table
3. Record
4. Forms
5. Design
B. Write T for True and F for False.
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. True
C. Applicaton-based questons.
1. Database sofware
2. Fields, Records, and Data.
D. Select the correct opton.
1. b) Database
2. a) Relatonal
3. c) Atribute
4. c) Queries
5. a) DBMS
E. Answer the following questons.
1. A database is an organized collecton of data. It helps the user to enter, manage, access
and analyse a large amount of informaton quickly and efciently. For example:
Telephone directory, a dictonary etc.
• A database has a specifc structure to store data.
• It helps to manage and analyse a large amount of informaton quickly.
2. Quick Access Toolbar is present at the top–lef corner of the Access window. It contains
the most frequently used command butons. By default, it has three command butons,
which are Save, Undo, and Redo.
Ribbon has the various tabs, each with several groups of relevant commands. Some tabs
appear when you work with certain objects, like Forms or Reports. Such tabs are called
Contextual tabs.
3. Fields: All the columns in a table are called Fields. A feld describes a partcular atribute
of all the records in a table.
Records: The rows in a table are called Records. A record has the values for all the felds
that belong to a single person or an entty.
Data: A set of characters that represents a valid value is known as Data.
4. Forms provide a user-friendly interface that facilitate the process of entering data in
tables and queries. Whereas to retrieve the fltered data from a database, queries are
used, based upon some conditons.
• DBMS provides the users with efcient and reliable methods of data retrieval.
• It facilitates the reducton of data redundancy (duplicaton of data).